
Online Classes


Primary one

Primary two

Primary three

primary four

Primary five

Primary six


our courses

Design Technology

This is where students are introduced to basic engineering design concepts. They are taught to carryout  their own designs and guided step by step on bringing their own designs to life. This of course is achieved, using materials sourced  locally to build their own self-designed conceptions and structures   while having FUN .


This involves the use of Virtual Labs to affect the pedagogy of practical subjects/courses that will otherwise be taught in an abstract form. Using various Labs, virtual and physical, we carryout  a range of experiments and at the same time we have FUN while Learning.  

Coding and ICT

Students are introduced to block based coding/programming. Which is used to develop  simple Software, Animations and Games . They are exposed to block based  code at the onset, to increase their love for code, using  Software’s such as Scratch, Alice and Blockly. Thereafter  the more advanced script based code like Python would be introduced. 


SCIENCE as part of STEM is not  left out, as students are introduced to various science of life projects within the physics, chemistry and biology sphere ( for example; where they are taught how the various organs work within human body system, Animal life cycles) and made to use materials within their locality to create projects they can see, feel, touch and of course have FUN with while still learning.


Students are taught how to use prefabricated (Makeblock Mbot and various other lego adapted Bots) as well as various local materials to couple and control their own Robots. Incorporating other ready made parts, they assemble and code the Robots to come to life.


System Engineering

Students are introduced to basic electronics, using single board micro controllers and micro controller kits. They are taught to identify and program various hardware components, their functions and applications, all put to  use in the most fun like manner.

We also render the following services

Teacher Training

in-school programs

After-School Programs


in-center Training