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STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. STEAM is the addition of Arts. Each subject  is part of the greater whole of the lesson plan. So instead of teaching math as separate from technology or science, the concepts work together. Creating an interdisciplinary approach to instruction that resembles knowledge use in real life.
STEM activities and programs foster a lifelong love of learning. These activities create a zeal to learn that children hold on to for the rest of their lives.

STEM education is motivating, engaging, real-world inspired. Knowledge is taught the way it is used in the real world, with concepts and subjects interwoven seamlessly.

~ STEM is creative and adaptable, making it accessible to children of all levels of ability.
~ The teaching methods are inquiry-based, process-focused, and student-centered.
~ Teamwork, collaboration and communication is a major focus.
~ Students have the freedom to think critically, creatively and innovatively.
~ STEM lessons are an excellent way of reducing classroom anxiety and stress.

Once you understand STEM programs, how they work, and have seen the benefits they provide, it is easy to see why all children can benefit from a STEM program.

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths

They do all other subjects, its the teaching method that is based on the principles of STEM, that is encouraging students to collaborate, inquire, be creative and to communicate effectively.

 It’s a common question, especially for those new to the principles of STEM. Bringing STEM activities (and STEAM) into the lessons of elementary students is not as intimidating as it sounds. In fact, creating STEM activities and lesson plans brings benefits to all students, at all levels of ability, creating a truly inclusive and effective educational opportunity.

Required testing depends on the age of the child applying to attend STEM. Kindly fill the Enquiry Form by clicking on the Enquiry Form button at the bottom of this page.

After submitting the Enquiry Form, you will be contacted within 48 hours  to schedule a test for your child(ren).


School Hours will be confirmed at least a week before resumption for registered students.

A discount of 30% on tuition only is available for the third child enrolled by a family.

Covid-19 has temporarily disrupted our usual operations but in spite of this, at STEM, we are poised to adapt to the demands of our new reality.

To reach us, please call 08051775463
(8 a.m. to 4 p.m. West African Time Monday through Friday).

Email: Send us an email any time to

Face to Face:  We are available to have more extensive conversations via Skype or  Zoom.


All students are required to wear the School Uniform.

STEM is an approach to lesson planning that presents lessons in an interdisciplinary way. At STEM School the curriculum is designed to introduce students to the basics of coding, electronics, programming, physical computing, and robotics through engaging hands-on STEM activities and projects. This curriculum will also help them develop important 21st-century skills such as DIY-ing, critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and teamwork.
It is in accordance with standards of the Nigerian and British Curricula.

STEM provides a continuum of education for children age 3 years through Junior Secondary School.

STEM offers a student-teacher ratio of 10:1.

The maximum number of students per classroom will be 16 within the Pre-Kindergarten and 18 within the Kindergarten. The maximum number of students per classroom will be 20 within grades 1 through 4.

STEM students participate in a range of activities that enhance their physical, social and emotional development some examples are martial arts classes, coding clubs, literary competitions, field trips and excursions etc

We know that parents are the center of their child’s world so that’s why we encourage our parents to take an active part in their child’s learning journey both inside and outside the classroom. We communicate with parents through:

-Open Days

-Report Cards


-Communication Books

The school does not provide snacks nor meals to the children. Children are required to come in each day with a healthy snack (fruits, vegetables only) and a healthy meal. 

We do not allow children to take store bought sugary or fizzy  drinks at school.

Bus service is optional and is available for an additional fee.

Bus service is however subject to the Lagos State School Reopening Guidelines on Covid-19.

Information will be shared with interested families upon enrollment.